thomas imboden


Born in 1956, I am a self-employed cultural promoter, hospitality consultant, relaxation coach and family man, currently living in Triengen, between Aarau and Lucerne, Switzerland.


My father, Josef Imboden (1914-2006), originated from the upper Valais, and migrated to Trun, a village in Surselva in Romansh speaking Grison, where he married Hedy Spescha (1927-2019) in 1954.


The second of their five children, I am myself the proud father of three grown-up children from a first marriage, as well as of four «adopted» daughters.


A rare gathering: My wife Tharushi (center), my youngest daughter Tamara (left), sons Nathan (left) and Andreas, as well as Tharaka, Nathan's partner.

A rare gathering, in 2013: My then partner Tharushi (center), my youngest daughter Tamara (left), sons Nathan (left) and Andreas, as well as Tharaka, Nathan's fiancée, now my daughter-in-law.


Ich (*1956) bin selbständiger Kulturmanager, Hospitality-Berater, Entspannungs-Coach und Familienmensch und lebe zur Zeit in Triengen, zwischen Aarau und Luzern, in der Schweiz.


Mein Vater, Josef Imboden (1917-2006), stammte aus dem Wallis und liess sich in Trun in der Surselva nieder, im rätoromanischen Graubünden, wo er 1954 Hedy Spescha (1927-2019) heiratete.


Als zweites ihrer fünf Kinder bin ich selber stolzer Vater dreier erwachsener Kinder aus erster Ehe und von vier «adoptierten» Töchtern.


From left: daughters Tamara, Naaz, Aishi, my wife Tharushi, and Fayaz, Aishi's husband. Missing is Charlotte - it's impossible to get them all together in one place!

From left: daughters Tamara, Naaz, Aishi, my then partner Tharushi, and Fayaz, Aishi's husband. Missing are Charlotte and Nuha - it's impossible to get them all together in one place!